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InvestHere.Net provides insurance fund for investors following projects listed in our website. The projects which are eligible for insurance will be updated in our Homepage, News, Facebook Fanpage, Skype....

1Insurance rules

+ Register on our REFERAL LINK in the project and make a deposit.
+ Please check upline carefully before submit your registration form.
+ No compounding is allowed while the insurance is active.
+ You must withdraw all available money daily from your balance during this period. Few missed days are acceptable, but these amounts will be counted as withdrawn.
+ If project have both plan "DAILY PLAN - AFTER PLAN": Please choose DAILY PLAN. If you choose "AFTER PLAN", we will deduct daily earnings from the claimed amount based on the highest daily investment plan valid for your deposit.
+ Do not cheat (for example: create multiple accounts) to receive insurance.
+ RCB will be paid as usual.
+ Please notice that only the investments deposited after the insurance plan is published are eligible for insurance.

2Insurance compensation

The insurance does not guarantee 100% of your investment to be returned back, the total insurance amount will be divided to all investors.
The maximum net loss and compensation for a single investor has no upper limit (up to 20% of the total insurance funds). Let's say, if the insurance funds are $1000, you can get Max.$200 compensation (20% of $1000 insurance funds).
For example:
The insurance for "ABC project" was 1000$ and there were 5 investors for this project with the following investment:
+ Username1: 800$
+ Username2: 400$
+ Username3: 300$
+ Username4: 200$
+ Username5: 300$
In this case, we will divide the insurance to these 5 investors and pay back as below:
+ Username1: 400$
+ Username2: 200$
+ Username3: 150$
+ Username4: 100$
+ Username5: 150$

Important: The input to calculate insurance is (Total amount invested - RCB – Total amount withdrawn)

3Insurance application

In order to receive insurance, the following points must be considered:
+ Please check status of the project in our website before submit insurance application. If the status is already changed to “NOT PAYING”, you can request insurance.
+ Please access and fill in the insurance form in our website.
+ The application must be submitted no later than 48 hours after the project’s status is changed to “NOT PAYING”. In case you submit your application after 48 hours, your request will be rejected.
+ Please join our Facebook Groups to update the latest information.
+ We may request some proofs such as screenshot, deposit history... to validate the insurance application.

4 Insurance payment
The insurance will be paid within 1-3 working days.

Submit Compensation

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