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RealConstruction.vip screenshot Upgrade


  • INSURANCE: $2000
  • Our Investment: $300.00
  • Min Investment: $10
  • Min Withdraw: $1
  • Withdrawal:
  • Referral: 3+1%
  • Our Rating:
  • 142%
  • Running: 133 days
  • Monitored:133 days
  • Last Payouts: Aug 31st, 2024
  • Payments Methods: EpayCore NixMoney Bitcoin BitcoinCash LiteCoin DogeCoin Dash Ethereum TetherErc20 Binance TetherBep20 Tron TetherTrc20 Riplle Stellar
  • Special Features: Support E-mail Support Form SSL DDOS
  • All Monitors: ISP HYIPBOX
Investment Plan: 0.5% Daily +$10 for 700 days = 350%, 1.68% daily +$10 for 80 days = 134.4% and 2.88 - 3.12% daily +$70 - 150 for 40 days = 115.2 - 124.8%*Since 28/4/2024

RealConstruction is your trusted partner in property investment. With a focus on quality construction and smart investments, we help clients build wealth through real estate ventures that stand the test of time

  • Our Investment: $300.00
  • Min Investment: $50
  • Min Withdraw: $5
  • Withdrawal:
  • Referral: 3-5+1+1%
  • Our Rating:
  • 107%
  • Running: 392 days
  • Monitored:140 days
  • Last Payouts: Sep 4th, 2024
  • Payments Methods: Bitcoin LiteCoin DogeCoin Dash Ethereum Binance TetherBep20 Tron TetherTrc20 Riplle
  • Special Features: Support E-mail Support Form SSL DDOS
  • All Monitors: ISP HYIPBOX
Investment Plan: 2.1% Daily +$50 for 20 days + deposit back = 142%*Since 13/8/2023
  • Our Investment: $400.00
  • Min Investment: $10
  • Min Withdraw: $1
  • Withdrawal:
  • Referral: 0.5%
  • Our Rating:
  • 82%
  • Running: 784 days
  • Monitored:69 days
  • Last Payouts: Sep 3rd, 2024
  • Payments Methods: EpayCore Bitcoin BitcoinCash BitcoinGold LiteCoin DogeCoin Dash Ethereum TetherErc20 Binance TetherBep20 Tron TetherTrc20 Riplle Stellar
  • Special Features: Support E-mail SSL DDOS
  • All Monitors: ISP HYIPBOX
Investment Plan: 101% After 1 day + $10, 106% after 5 days + $50 and 114% after 12 days + $100*Since 14/7/2022
  • Our Investment: $600.00
  • Min Investment: $50
  • Min Withdraw: $1
  • Withdrawal:
  • Referral: 1.5%
  • Our Rating:
  • 78%
  • Running: 217 days
  • Monitored:69 days
  • Last Payouts: Sep 6th, 2024
  • Payments Methods: EpayCore Bitcoin LiteCoin Ethereum TetherTrc20
  • Special Features: Support E-mail
  • All Monitors: ISP HYIPBOX
Investment Plan: 0.53% Hourly +$50 for 200 hours = 106%*Since 4/2/2024
  • Our Investment: $300.00
  • Min Investment: $50
  • Min Withdraw: $1
  • Withdrawal:
  • Referral: 3+1%
  • Our Rating:
  • 72%
  • Running: 283 days
  • Monitored:140 days
  • Last Payouts: Sep 4th, 2024
  • Payments Methods: EpayCore Bitcoin BitcoinCash LiteCoin DogeCoin Dash Ethereum TetherErc20 Binance TetherBep20 Tron TetherTrc20 Riplle Stellar
  • Special Features: Support E-mail Support Form SSL DDOS
  • All Monitors: ISP HYIPBOX
Investment Plan: 0.6% Daily +$50 for 15 days + deposit back = 109%, 1% daily +$1000 for 30 days + deposit back = 130% and 105% after 10 days +$50*Since 30/11/2023
  • Our Investment: $400.00
  • Min Investment: $10
  • Min Withdraw: $1
  • Withdrawal:
  • Referral: 5%
  • Our Rating:
  • 64%
  • Running: 215 days
  • Monitored:135 days
  • Last Payouts: Sep 6th, 2024
  • Payments Methods: EpayCore BertyCash Bitcoin BitcoinCash LiteCoin DogeCoin Dash Ethereum TetherErc20 Binance Tron TetherTrc20
  • Special Features: Support E-mail Support Form SSL DDOS
  • All Monitors: ISP HYIPBOX
Investment Plan: 1% Daily +$10 for lifetime = unlimited earnings*Since 6/2/2024
  • Our Investment: $300.00
  • Min Investment: $15
  • Min Withdraw: $1
  • Withdrawal:
  • Referral: 4+1.5+0.5+0.2%
  • Our Rating:
  • 51%
  • Running: 83 days
  • Monitored:39 days
  • Last Payouts: Sep 6th, 2024
  • Payments Methods: EpayCore NixMoney Bitcoin BitcoinCash LiteCoin DogeCoin Dash Ethereum TetherErc20 Binance TetherBep20 Tron TetherTrc20 Riplle
  • Special Features: Support E-mail Support Form SSL DDOS
  • All Monitors: ISP HYIPBOX
Investment Plan: 1.5% Daily +$15 for 14 days + deposit back = 121% and 150% after 15 days +$900*Since 17/6/2024
  • Our Investment: $350.00
  • Min Investment: $20
  • Min Withdraw: $2
  • Withdrawal:
  • Referral: 5+2+1+1%
  • Our Rating:
  • 38%
  • Running: 315 days
  • Monitored:139 days
  • Last Payouts: Sep 6th, 2024
  • Payments Methods: EpayCore NixMoney Bitcoin LiteCoin TetherBep20 Tron TetherTrc20
  • Special Features: Support E-mail SSL DDOS
  • All Monitors: ISP HYIPBOX
Investment Plan: 0.35% Daily +$20 for 25 days + deposit back = 108.75%, 0.45% daily +$250 for 60 days + deposit back = 127%, 2.3% daily +$300 for 60 days = 130%, 108% after 20 days +$20*Since 29/10/2023
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