Investment Plan: 0.6% Daily +$50 for 15 days + deposit back = 109%, 1% daily +$1000 for 30 days + deposit back = 130% and 105% after 10 days +$50*Since 30/11/2023
Investment Plan: 2.3% Daily +$10 for 130 days = 299%, 3% daily +$100 for 100 days = 300%, 4% daily +$551 for 75 days = 300% and 5% daily +$1000 for 60 days = 300%*Since 21/12/2024
Investment Plan: 2.5% Daily +$10 for 365 days = 912.5%, 1.4% daily +$30 for 3 days+deposit back = 104.2%, 1.6% daily +$50 for 7 days+deposit back = 111.2%, 1.8% daily +$100 for 15 days+deposit back = 127% and 2% daily +$500 for 30 days+deposit back = 160%*Since 21/1/2021